Located near Maldon, Victoria. On 25 / 26 Ovtctober 2008. Supp regs are out and available from the MV web site. They may be here also . OPen to machiones upto 1972 either as racing machines, red plated machines or unlog booked racers providing they do not run on methanol.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."
I am curious to fine why we have 25 expressions of interest in the Mt Buller Hillclimb and noe for thsi event. can you tell me why you are not going to Mt Tarrengower? Thanks
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."