I have been recieving reports that many people have been made aware of thsi function, so I am hoping for a good crowd. Lindsay Urquart has organised the speakers who will speak about their experience.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."
I must announce publicly that Max Hooper has voluteered to test the beer to ensure it is ok for consumption. We wanted to ensure no stale or off beer was presented. Max in the opinion of the organising committee deserves a special mention for his task. John Feakes has suggested "I'm proud of Max, not too many would volunteer for such an arduous task. He should be mentioned in dispatches!"
We are budgetting about $500 for nibbles so please front because its a lot for us to eat before going home!
I am guesing about 75 now.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."
Modesty almost prevents me from saying that the SCTG, was FANTASTIC. ^0 people attended, the earliset racer started in 1949 and the newest last weekend. Listening to the buzz all night I think there was a lot of catching up. About 12 people got up and shared their stories, and I shall write more about that later when I get home again. A small profit was made, the barman was swept off his feet and there were plenty of partners to share the experience.
Thanks to those who shared the dream.
It was voted to hold one each year.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."
Mmm the more I hear the more I wish I could have got there but unfortunately it was just too soon after Winton to make the trip back to Vic. Ahhh well, can't do everything I suppose. Cheers Geoff Sidecar #30
Geoff why not run a similair evening in South Australia. We are lucky here because we have the Veteran Racers Assoc of Victoria that many people are members of. Do you have such a network of oldies?
Otherwise I am happy to pass on ideas if you want.
I planned this 6 months in advance and promoted it through other clubs, in programs at race meetings and a small not on thsi site.
It was delibertely low key so the talking and chat would take over as it did.
John Daley Sidecar #68 ' there are those who do, those who dont do and those who undo. We must lampoon the latter."