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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 27 Feb 2012 : 10:30:30 PM
The HMRAV is been encouraged to create a new schedule of events at the 2012 event.
I have asked people to think about bracket racing, where bikes are gridded along the lines of lap times. Would such a plan work, would you want to race in that manner?
Do you have any questions?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 03 Mar 2012 : 1:10:38 PM
a possible new title would be

You race against people with similar lap times.

5 lap event, times are within 1/5 of the slowest lap time.
john Posted - 29 Feb 2012 : 2:41:27 PM
Lap times will come from practise times.

From the moment I first mentioned it, somebody mentioned the"Handicap Bandits".
Why cant people see any good in the idea, such as no lapping, more competitve racing etc.

Sandbaggers can be identified if need be.

One way for sand baggers to be eliminated is to ensure Class prizes are offered.
They will be worked out by having the time keepers establish the total time of racing for each bike recorded.
That way sand bagging will make things worse because the group prize will not be significant, the use of the time keepers data bases will make the whole thing easy to manage.

conker Posted - 29 Feb 2012 : 2:09:21 PM
Where will the lap times come from in your proposal - haven't you heard of 'handicap bandits' ?It would be much nicer if all the two strokes and small multis raced together in two capacity classes. The aircooled four stroke singles, twins and triples raced to gether in two capascity classes, and the superbikes all raced together in two capacity classes . At least the races would sound right, and look right !
john Posted - 29 Feb 2012 : 12:08:22 PM
Geoff you have put the cart before the horse.

We will have more laps.

With Bracket racing we will not have a 1300cc P5 and a 100cc P3 racing.
I had hoped my explanation was clear. But what it means is the fastest 35 will be in group 1
The next 35 fastest in group 2 and the last group will be the last 35 fastest.

Thus all bikes will be within opossibly 7 seconds of each other.
Currently we have differences of about 34 seconds which results in lapping.
Second bikes are an issue, but so isthe fact that riders are staying at home, saying the 34 second speed difference is too hard to think about.
Thsi proposal would stop dead, lapping./
Please give it more thought.
Geoffpgrant Posted - 29 Feb 2012 : 11:38:45 AM
Some of us don't get to visit here everyday John so one day of silence is not necessarily 'silence'. Now I am a sidecar racer and I am supposing that this is not directed at us because we race all in together at Winton anyway.
So, considering what I might think if I were a solo rider I am wondering what the purpose is in creating a new schedule? It seems to me that this might be a push to reduce motorcycle involvement in this meeting and if that is the case then I don't think I would support it.
Then I think about what it would mean to a rider. For a rider with one bike it might not be much, if any, change. However if somebody has two bikes and is not much different speed on them but they are in a different class then I am thinking that a bracket racing approach is going to reduce their rides - ie they could find themselves with both bikes in the one bracket. Even if their times were quite different on the two bikes (and my first query is true) they still might miss out on a ride because they might be gridded up front on their faster bike and a few rows down on their slower bike!
I am also thinking that it might not work very well on the short track. As it is we see lapping occuring in some races (sidecars included) and a part of that is that it is such a short lap. With bracket racing I am sure the aim is to get as many bikes as possible out on the track at a time and I am a little fearful that this might mean a monster P5 (or 6) screaming off the front rows and running over the Honda 100 that left from the back rows even before that little Honda has done a couple of laps. One this could be dangerous and two, the person who elects to ride slower class bikes will always get ripped off by a lap or two.
Some thoughts to bandy around.
Sidecar #30
john Posted - 28 Feb 2012 : 5:57:27 PM
I take it from the silence, that everybody is happy with the concept?
So I will pass that on.

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