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T O P I C    R E V I E W
acotrel Posted - 28 Feb 2021 : 07:23:07 AM
Why would I start a topic about project bikes when I cannot post a photo on this forum ? If you are going to run a forum on classic motorcycles, doing it without the capability of posting photos is idiocy. The Access Norton forum in America does not seem to have this problem and it is extremely active. This forum is stationary - it simply kills enthusiasm.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
David Posted - 28 Feb 2021 : 7:17:45 PM
Here is how to do attach an image where you need to be logged in to the forum to be able to upload:

Either click on the item marked with "1":
Insert Image:


Choose an image to upload with clicking "Choose File" (number 2), once you have selected the file you will need to select number 3:

Insert Image:


Find the location on your computer as shown in item 4, then select the image as shown in item 5 followed by clicking of "Open" as item 6:

Insert Image:


Click on item 7 to attach the image:

Insert Image:


The last window you will see will confirm the image has been uploaded:

Insert Image:


As you see easy steps.
acotrel Posted - 28 Feb 2021 : 6:43:45 PM
Historic racing is as mundane as suet pudding. It seems to me that our organisers are much better at deciding what they DO NOT want racing than what they DO want racing. They work on the basis of disincentives rather than encouragement. There are several old race bikes which would not qualify for historic racing. One of them is thwe Haold Carter Special which is now in the MA museum. Also, the Henderson MAtchless probably would not get a start.
Perhaps we should become more liberal in our thinking and look at what old bikes are sitting idle Classic racing instead of historic racing ?
There are 'sounds of singles' bikes which now have no raxce class. It has always been too difficult to comply with the historic racing rules. Run what you brung was always better e.g. - the 'seniors' meetings '
Your attach file thing does not work.
David Posted - 28 Feb 2021 : 09:28:50 AM
You can attach an image by clicking the paperclip at the bottom when you click the reply button:

Insert Image:

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