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 125s vic titles

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
revhd Posted - 13 Feb 2011 : 11:41:05 AM
Got entries for vic titles last week bur AGAIN 125 position not clear.
I presume there has been a misprint again and the regs. should read, ALL 125s, for events 2,10,18, etc. as was before ,we thrashed this out last year can make sure in future this does not crop up all the time .
It was agreed at a riders meeting in 2009 that all 125s should race together,we like it that way, it is also better for spectators to see all like bikes racing together.
Strangely for title event 35 it is printed correctly.
Hopefully J.D. can pass this on to hmrav .
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
revhd Posted - 14 Feb 2011 : 08:21:30 AM
GD I think it is only a typo with the regs,i am sure they only need to update there computer copy of past regs.
Yes one of the reasons we want to race together IS to promt the class so that all riders get to know each other.
GD66 Posted - 13 Feb 2011 : 12:29:16 PM
Why don't one of your number put his hand up at the next HMRAV AGM, go on their committee, make sure 125s get a fair crack and then keep your class buddies appraised, informed and interested.
We all love watching the 125 class, but it appears to get mired down in waiting for someone else to ring up with, or pass on info about future race programmes. A united attack would sort this out and hopefully keep your numbers up on race day as well.
If anything, copy the P3 Unlimited guys, they all hang together and share and help each other to make sure as many as possible get out there and go racing together.
I'm not suggesting you need a formal 125 riders' register as such, but a couple of times you guys have been squeezed and not been ready to vindicate your position. Pro-active gets it done !

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