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 cb125 based p4

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frogger_nude Posted - 25 May 2010 : 8:48:25 PM
Hey everyone, I am building a 125 honda road racer and was wondering what are common modifications for these little thumpers?
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
conker Posted - 28 Apr 2012 : 06:35:52 AM
Most of the Chinese pit bikes have motors based on the Honda CT110 - the most prolific bike of the sixties - frames are not hard to make.
john feakes Posted - 26 Apr 2012 : 07:41:56 AM
Al, there are no Chinese pit bikes in historic racing.
Unfortunately BRA rules killed the 125 4 strokes in seeking parity with 2 strokes.
It would have been far better if they had separated them right at the start and left the 4 strokes at 125cc.
That way we could have had a much stronger representation at historic meetings.
conker Posted - 24 Apr 2012 : 9:47:26 PM
Why doesn't 125 P4 run under BRA motolite rules at historic meetings? Don't we need the extra entries, or are you simply paranoid about being made to look stupid by Chinese pit bikes ?
frogger_nude Posted - 22 Apr 2012 : 4:28:50 PM
and the p4 125 is back on the boil.

template cut out for frame stiffening mods
t250 twin leader front wheel
cb400twin front forks
motocross triple clamp
old period seat
old gp style suzuki tank cover
and cb100 motor to rebuild
need to make all the frame stuff fit
frogger_nude Posted - 08 Jun 2011 : 8:24:51 PM
Allan, that idea is unlikely to fly, besides 4 stroke 125s is superlite, underbones are motolite under bra rules. You've got a class
john feakes Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 09:55:54 AM
You need a holiday in Thailand.
conker Posted - 07 Jun 2011 : 08:23:00 AM
I wonder if a class which caters for 125cc fourstroke singles of any configuration, as well as 'underbones' would get up?
frogger_nude Posted - 06 Jun 2011 : 10:41:04 PM
the 82/83 rm125 are the same specification
GD66 Posted - 01 Jun 2011 : 8:46:51 PM
P5 cutoff is 1982....
frogger_nude Posted - 01 Jun 2011 : 8:20:14 PM
shelved in favour of my 1983 rm125 p5 bike
frogger_nude Posted - 24 Jul 2010 : 8:14:23 PM
frame mods start tomorrow, might take some pics as I go
john feakes Posted - 21 Jul 2010 : 08:15:52 AM
I know that feeling well!
frogger_nude Posted - 20 Jul 2010 : 6:47:09 PM
its going to be a slow burner, got a few other projects to finish off first
john feakes Posted - 16 Jul 2010 : 09:24:55 AM
Mick, that could well be the case. I keep getting side tracked.
matcho mick Posted - 15 Jul 2010 : 9:19:10 PM
better get you finger out John,frogger might have his finished before yours
john feakes Posted - 15 Jul 2010 : 09:11:55 AM
Sounds good, keep us posted.
frogger_nude Posted - 13 Jul 2010 : 7:43:51 PM
new developments, cb125 chassis, cb100 swinger, Cb100 gearbox, sl125 bottom end. Many more frankenstein parts to follow
frogger_nude Posted - 30 May 2010 : 5:27:05 PM
one piece head and early clutch cover have been acquired, the build begins soon.....
frogger_nude Posted - 27 May 2010 : 4:14:44 PM
That was the plan john, not running atm so was going to get it up and running stock and then some handling then power it up :D
john Posted - 27 May 2010 : 3:29:39 PM
maybe just get it going and race it between the rebuilds and modifications that will happen.
john feakes Posted - 26 May 2010 : 1:54:50 PM
Sounds good, keep us posted.
Further down the forum we have a dedicated 125 place. Sacred ground!
Perhaps that would be an appropriate place to keep things chugging along.
Cheers, John
frogger_nude Posted - 26 May 2010 : 12:02:51 PM
starting off cheaper $200 but lots of work to do, will be getting help from Glenn Livingstone on the build
john feakes Posted - 26 May 2010 : 09:08:16 AM
Hi Frogger, good to hear that another one is in the pipeline.
I will endeavour to establish contact and will try to guide you in the right direction.
It is, of course, only limited by how much you wish to spend.
Mine started off at $500 and is now over $3,000 and not over yet.
Will be in touch.
Cheers, John

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