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 P5 Sidecar Rule Change

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alan Posted - 21 Jun 2016 : 08:31:56 AM
Hi Everyone,
Does anyone have an opinion on the proposed rule change for Period 5 Sidecars allowing a single sided swing arm on the front fork. The current rule states that the front wheel must be supported equally on both sides. This proposal is to allow the Horner Vincent to have a legal Log Book which at present it doesnt. While I am extremely impressed by the engineering of this machine I do not believe it is in the spirit of our sport and would hate to see others doing the same thing. The argument that the technology existed isnt valid as I see it as that argument opens the door for Kneelers in Period 3 (used in 1954) Hub Centre steering in Period 4 (Vince Messina has an example) Kawasaki Z9 in Period 4, Monocoque chassis in Period 5 (LCRs came out in 1979) and so the list goes on. I would suggest that the one Log Book issued to the Horner machine be allowed but no more to be issued for the future.
Submissions to MA are required by the close of business July 1st. If anyone has any comments regarding this please do not hesitate to contact me by PM here or at or by ph 0407886141. Comments for or against the rule change are very welcome.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Historic Posted - 04 Jul 2016 : 11:08:43 AM
The problem is nobody has built a replica of what was. The one in question both in design and technology never existed. Certain rules don't allow some things even if one or two existed in the era because they were they things that changed the sport. Period 6 will be the place for center hub replicas were they write the rules. But I agree we need to keep the rules in place as is.
link Posted - 30 Jun 2016 : 8:03:31 PM
I dont see why one would be allowed then no more. Either its legal or not. We have a documented period 4 sidecar that was raced by Kevin rouke and had center hub steering and sidecar wheel steering in 1970 that raced at bathurst in the early 70's with a gt750 water bottle coupled by the crank to a t500 making a 5 cylinder 1250cc. It is a part of australian racing original history and probably weighs more than it benefited from but according to the rules its illegal. So either open the door to period correct machines even if not main stream or keep the rules in place as is.
Historic Posted - 27 Jun 2016 : 3:15:11 PM
I've been aurguing with Marcus and John since the 888 single sided thing got a log book.
I've tried not to pass it twice now but was over ruled because it has a logbook.
Now the rule change to make it legit.
I don't car if 888 keeps racing forever, the biggest risk to P5 is if the rule goes through. Hub center steering will be allowed and P5 is over for all those currently racing. This rule was written not allow single sided front ends right from day one. It was written to show what the majority of P5 was not the cutting edge in europe right at the end of the era. You all must write to your state body, MA and anyone that will listen that this rule change is not wanted by sidecar racers. It will do much more harm than they realise.

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