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 Sidecar Festival proposal 2014

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 12 Oct 2012 : 11:13:07 AM
I worked on a proposal some years ago , but there was not a lot of support. Now some seems to be arising. The plan is to investigate a one day event, demos, public rides, come n try and racing in the arvo. I have asked MV if they would consider building a Moto X sidecar circuit inside the road race circuit and it seems the moto retard course has been reasembled, and they are keen to look at my suggestion.

The time has come to find people keen to assemble 100 sidecars Road racing and motox for a sidecar promotional day. I have done a budget and reckon $100 per machine with a rebate if we pull a paying crowd.
the crowd is the important part because the event will work best if its a Showcase for sidecars.
Thats how I see it anyway. Regards
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 27 Nov 2012 : 10:42:04 PM
The Veterans gang only runs the annual piss up.
Be grateful they write to you and come along.
acotrel Posted - 29 Oct 2012 : 02:56:16 AM
'We must lampoon the later."

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
acotrel Posted - 29 Oct 2012 : 02:54:01 AM
It seems absurd to me that MA doesn't operate 'no reply' email systems so that motorcycle racing special interest groups can easily be contacted. All it would take would be for some shiny-bum to moderate the mail and onforward it. I suppose it is too much to ask that our controlling bodies should actually take an interest and do something to promote something other than MotoGP ? Of course there are always idiots who would regard an email related to road racing competitions and events as 'spam' ? In the meantime our sport generally is disappearing up its own fundamental. We have the technology - we should use it ! !

I've never been contacted by the Veteran Riders Association for anything other than their annual piss-up.
john Posted - 27 Oct 2012 : 10:27:42 AM
John, we actually have one by default. The sidecar community is tight nit and mant teams know other teams. With the Sidecar club helping as well I am not so much xconcerned about getting the info out. There is alos the Veteran Rides association also.
What we need now are committed people to help a little bit each.
john feakes Posted - 27 Oct 2012 : 09:06:56 AM
Unfortunately we are fettered by privacy laws which seem to prohibit giving out information about who has what.
We need a register of bikes, outfits and owners so that we can spread information and arouse interest.
Perhaps the only way to achieve this would be for people to contribute who and what they know (with permission of course) to either the M.V. management committee and/or H.M.R.A.V.
acotrel Posted - 26 Oct 2012 : 07:03:35 AM
I was looking for you John, but couldn't see you there :
acotrel Posted - 19 Oct 2012 : 07:43:43 AM
I believe Chris Barton was third in the World Grass Track Sidecar Championships in about 1985. Currently lives in Bacchus Marsh and supplies a lot of Jawa and Talon bits to the speedway guys. His phone no is:
03 5368 2836
acotrel Posted - 19 Oct 2012 : 07:39:05 AM
I'm not really big on sidecars, even though my brother loves them dearly. I was however really impressed with the videos of the current 500cc Jawa engined type currently being raced in Europe. I think they are really good value, and not relatively very expensive to race. I don't know who has got the four that Chris Barton imported, but he knows where they are. If you can get them centre field, I think the punters will love them !
john Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 09:53:21 AM
There is a supa motard circuit within the road race circuit and it may be possible to run moto x sidecars on that area.
acotrel Posted - 16 Oct 2012 : 10:02:56 PM
John, If you are interested in doing something worthwhile on the dirt, Chris Barton has imported four 500cc British championship grasstrack sidecars powered by 500cc four valve Jawa motors. - enough to make a race on the Broadford speedway. The class has never taken off here, but it is a relatively cheap way to go racing :
acotrel Posted - 16 Oct 2012 : 07:23:19 AM
It would be worth doing it simultaneously on all three circuits at Broadford. - Road race, MX and Speedway - organised so that feature races did not clash.
john Posted - 15 Oct 2012 : 10:51:56 AM
I have spoken with David White about including sidecars as a feature one year. I expect they are under lots of pressure for special events.
I hope we could try either day after Bonanza or jsut a day that will work, maybe after sidecar training day?
john feakes Posted - 15 Oct 2012 : 10:03:47 AM
I think this is a great idea and hope to see it succeed.
Could it perhaps be part of the Broadford Bonanza?
acotrel Posted - 15 Oct 2012 : 06:55:49 AM
Ve vill ask der qvestions !
john Posted - 14 Oct 2012 : 9:39:44 PM
I dont know yet.
We need promotion not qusetions at the moment.
acotrel Posted - 14 Oct 2012 : 03:58:53 AM
Sounds like a great idea ! Will there be any TZ750 sidecars there ?
They were the best ever:

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