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 Southern Classic 2012

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 13 Sep 2012 : 10:48:47 PM
The event is coming up, so far only 4 sidecars entered. Are you coming ?
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 08:30:24 AM
Sidecar numbers have jumped to about 24. I am now the Ass. Secretary of the HMRAV having stepped down after 12 years.
Full details of the new HMRAV structure are on the site.
I am working on projects for the club now, rather than doing all the stamp licking etc and projects.
I still sit with the Historic Management Committee.
acotrel Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 07:14:04 AM
Is our sport in danger of disappearing up it's own fundamental ? Who is now head honcho of HMRAV ? John Daley was always the centre of the historic racing universe. That seems to have changed ?
john Posted - 25 Sep 2012 : 3:10:29 PM
Dont know, thats why thsi entry is under "Sidecars"
john feakes Posted - 25 Sep 2012 : 2:44:59 PM
So how many solo entries?
john Posted - 25 Sep 2012 : 2:35:28 PM
Currently we have 11 P3, 12 P4 and 6 F2 outfits entered for the Southern Classic. P5's. So come on all you P5 guys, get an entry in and scoop the pool!

john Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 8:14:31 PM
John, I actually put the discussion in two places, but the sidecar numbers were particularly low so I did the extra entry.
john Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 8:13:09 PM
oops another slip up.
I dont actually have a copy but will find a set soon. Thansk David
David Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 3:30:42 PM
Hi John (Daley),

I do not remember receiving the Supp Regs for this years Souhtern Classic to put up.. If you want to send them to me, I will put them up for HMRAV if you like.
john feakes Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 3:26:18 PM
Al, P4 Thunderbikes are with P3 unlimited.
Can you get your beast ready in time?
john feakes Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 3:08:14 PM
I find it rather strange that this discussion about the Southern Classic is being conducted in the sidecar section.
I will move it in the hope that more people actually see it.
john Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 1:09:34 PM
The HMRAV committee.
Alan, its no good sitting back on the fence compalining about the efforts of others.
The club needs people to help on the ground, not people wh can sit back and offer advise but not actually do anything.
As for Feature races, the supp regs lists them and they are available from thsi site from memory, John Daley
acotrel Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 10:59:03 AM
I've got a question and I don't really care who answers it. Specifically who has been charged with the job of promoting this year's Southern Classic, and who is planning the event and compiling the event programme ? Considering moderns racing and historics, it looks like we have a real problem. In a minute there might be no more road racing.
acotrel Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 10:48:03 AM
John, What are the feature races for this year's Southern Classic ? Would you possibly put the event programme up on this topic ?
john feakes Posted - 16 Sep 2012 : 2:38:00 PM
Well, entries close on the 21st of this month so they need to get a move on.
john Posted - 16 Sep 2012 : 2:26:32 PM
The fact is others have taken on the role of promotion, and some things have slipped behind.
I am sure it will get up to speed soon.
john feakes Posted - 16 Sep 2012 : 11:37:06 AM
The Southern Classic is being kept a secret.
Too many people turned up last year.
David Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 3:27:36 PM

Originally posted by john

Gentlemen, the event was listed under Forthcoming events.

Do you mean this event John: 2012 Sthn Classic?

I did post in that on the 16 May 2012 at 4:37:59 PM and you will see what happened after that..

Apart from that, there was this posted as well: Southern Classic 2012 entries low, but that was 3 days ago.

john Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 2:57:27 PM
Gentlemen, the event was listed under Forthcoming events.
Allan Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 10:11:22 AM
well David has been asking fer a advert fer the pop out. at last lt has a taker..
So why was it not used fer the ad fer the
Southern Classic 2012 ??? beat's me!!
john feakes Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 08:23:33 AM
David has a place at the top of the page for upcoming events.
Perhaps a bit of advertising would help stir some interest.

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