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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 07 Mar 2012 : 09:37:10 AM
Just pretend an opportunity arose whereby you could have a change made to the Historics section.

Please write it down, clearly with sentances and paragraghs so its clear, and lets see what we get.
For a start;
P4 triple cylinder class in solos and sidecars

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
d3goldnews Posted - 03 Jun 2013 : 12:38:11 PM
Useful information shared..Iam very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us nice information.Fantastic walk-through. I appreciate this post.

I'd rather be a happy fool than a sad sage.
conker Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 07:29:07 AM
I don't believe a P4 triple class would work. There are very few tridents and rocket 3s around, and they are expensive to race. Doug Gorries was a beautiful bike, but it hasn't reappeared for years. There was one which came to Winton from Sydney a while back. I spoke to the son of the guy who built it. It was on 14 to one compression, was 1000cc capacity, centreplugged etc. The kid showed me the spare motor. The back of the crankcases had been pulled out and rewelded. The whole shebang must have cost a bomb. And it didn't prove anything anyway.
If youcan get me on the grid with Gorries Rob North Rocket 3, a heap of old nortons and triumphs, and a few P5 ducatis, I would love it !
conker Posted - 08 Mar 2012 : 07:16:01 AM
Cross period classes for logbooked air cooled four stroke singles, twins and triples.
It would mean that in the senior class we'd get all the P3 good stuff and a few extras such as the Seeley G50, anbd the SR500s,
IN the unlimited class we'd get Rob North Triplews running against Nortons Vincents and Triumphs with a few later ducati twins.

In the junior class we'd get P3 350s running against BSA B40s, and Ducatis.

I believe it would be lovely stuff, and we could do the sane sort of thing with the GP bikes, and the superbikes. It would mean the same TYPES of bike would run together, which is what happened in 'history' ! The date of manufacture was always irrelevant.

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