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 Classic practice day's at B/ford

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Allan Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 5:49:43 PM
It would be advisable to call Martin Doxey on 5784 4163 or 0416 275 422 to confirm before leaving home.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
conker Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 2:48:15 PM
doesn't sound too bad ! Might be worth a go. How much did it cost for one rider and bike?
revhd Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 11:08:38 AM
Yes it did happen i went with about 30 other riders ,not that many but more than i thought there would be consdering the lack of information coming from ma vic and the clubs,most i spoke to heard about it from somebody else ,the old boy network at work.
Anyway it was a very succesfull day plenty of rides ,simple system up to 500 and over 500 15min. sessions,canteen open all good.
I spoke to the lady in the tower about lack of information but she didnt know much but did give me the rest of the dates for this year
march 26,april 16,may 14,july 9,sept 10,october 8,nov 12. so now we all know ha ha
Off to the Island now should be a great week end
conker Posted - 25 Jan 2012 : 07:49:27 AM
Did this practice day actually happen ? How many riders turned up ?
conker Posted - 14 Jan 2012 : 08:24:01 AM
Surely there must be a way to maintain a short news column in Australian Motorcycle News magazine dedicated to classic racing ? - a bit of funding from MA ?
At present our Winton club is fully occupied with MX, but if we were running historic meetings, we'd make sure there were press releases available to the general public. The web is good, but it's not the 'be all and end all'. If those of us who visit the forums regularly have difficulty knowing when meetings are on, what hope does an outsider have ? If we really want the sport to grow, we should take a much more positive attitude to publicity - even get TV coverage ! ! !
Allan Posted - 13 Jan 2012 : 6:00:11 PM
See Calendar

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