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 Historic Motorcycle Association of Victoria

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
acotrel Posted - 04 May 2022 : 05:22:29 AM
Does HMRAV still even exist ? I wonder how John Daley and Dave Large are going these days. Their cr@p was the reason Dave White gave the 2003 Historic Championships to Mick Ronke at Winton. It resulted in the Benalla CAr club People getting abused.
I was at Winton Raceway yesterday. This year there are only two events which involve motorcycles. There is a Preston Motorcycle Club event on the 13th to 15th of May, and the Austin Seven Car Club historic meeting at the end of May.
There are no motorcycle practice days scheduled except for the 13th of May.
Before Mich Ronke died, to the car club guys, he was the best guy on the planet, - now he is the worst b@stard.
While Mick was alive, the Friday practice sessions were for both cars and bikes - run in alternate sessions.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acotrel Posted - 15 May 2022 : 05:20:11 AM
Where is the HMRAV forum ? -
acotrel Posted - 13 May 2022 : 06:52:50 AM
I would not have thought Allan Greening's death would kill historic racing.
acotrel Posted - 06 May 2022 : 07:17:15 AM
The guys who started historic racing in Victoria in 1973 were Derek Picard and Peter Lord from the Velocette Owners Club. Neither of them had ever road raced. When Picard tried racing, he fell and broke his arm and never tried again. THe theory was that historic racing would preserve the old racing bikes. It led to most of the old bikes being destroyed by idiots.
acotrel Posted - 04 May 2022 : 05:31:07 AM
I started thw Winton Motorcycle Club when I first came to Benalla. The kids built their own MX circuit. When the track was being certified, the MV person came from a club in Albury. He told one of the kidsc who built the MX circuit 'I would prefer theis club did not exist. That guy is now running the Broadford race circuit. He is a far king idiot.
acotrel Posted - 04 May 2022 : 05:25:05 AM
After Mount Gambier, Winton is the best motorcycle road race circuit in Australia.

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