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 Managing Noise limits at Broadford

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john Posted - 07 Aug 2020 : 2:30:10 PM
The Victorian Historic management Committee is seeking information about workable systems of management for noise.
Our controlling body is under pressure from the Local Council to ELIMINATE noisy motorcycles, until they are quietened down to the noise limits.
What experience anywhere in the world has worked?
If riders are going to arrive with Barristers and Judges our sport will be ruined by those people.
We need as system that helps everybody, gives time for noisy bikes to correct themselves and have the Local Council happy.
Riders may have to be sent home!
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
john Posted - 08 Aug 2021 : 5:18:59 PM
Not much because of the China Virus.
Hartwell is running some, but the HMRAV is not running any.
acotrel Posted - 08 Aug 2021 : 04:24:54 AM
Is Broadford circuit still in operation ? There seems to be a distinct lack of interest.
acotrel Posted - 15 Apr 2021 : 05:11:29 AM
No noise is good noise ?
acotrel Posted - 19 Feb 2021 : 02:18:25 AM
Do not create a problem where there is not one.
john feakes Posted - 27 Jan 2021 : 3:13:00 PM
Please tell me this is not real,
Patrick Posted - 18 Sep 2020 : 10:14:20 PM
Have spoken to shire staff and I do not think that there is any problem with noise above the limits allowed at Broadford. No one can be sent home unless there is action taken by Motorcycling Victoria [the owners] of the land.
Many hours of effort over many years have gone into arriving at the correct outcome.
acotrel Posted - 13 Sep 2020 : 3:32:03 PM
The United Kingdom survives because of it's nostalgia kick. If we lose classic auto racing, what have we achieved ? Perhaps there should be more video coverage of events ?
acotrel Posted - 13 Sep 2020 : 3:27:06 PM
When managing risk, there is usually a hierarchy of controls similar to the following;
Engineering control
Administrative control
Personal Protective Equipment.

If we are not going to stop racing noisy motorcycles, we can engineer out the noise. But when risks are considered there is usually a balance to be maintained between risk areas. What would road racing be without the noise ?
Perhaps we should consider an administrative control. Come to an agreement with the local council and their electorate, that the raceway improves the local economy by attracting visitors to the town ? You could start by writing an open letter to the council and the local newspaper explaining your conundrum and asking for help. Alternatively do a whip around to get enough money for a bribe.
Patrick Posted - 08 Aug 2020 : 10:31:07 AM
The complete unit was self contained, portable and was the best that you could buy at that time. It was entered into the asset register on purchase and added to the insurance policy as the cost was significant.
It took out all of the heat that the shire could generate about noise.
Also paved the way for many of the planning changes that we were able to achieve. This provided extra ongoing income streams.
Get Geoff L. to seek out the insurance documents.
I can't find your email - send a PM - talk soon PF
john Posted - 08 Aug 2020 : 07:44:44 AM
I take it there was a noise meter purchased also?
Can you advise me, thanks
john Posted - 08 Aug 2020 : 07:30:17 AM
Thanks Patrick, I better find the DATa logger.
Hows things? What are you up to nowadays? regards
Patrick Posted - 07 Aug 2020 : 8:42:00 PM
Hi John,
Ten years ago this was not a problem at Broadford. A data logger for noise levels had been purchased and print out results were emailed to Mitchell Shire by 11.00am every Monday morning.
With council approval we moved it around after the tracks were closed and some of the highest levels were logged from passing traffic by the main gate between 10.00pm and 1.00am in the morning. To whoever is in charge submit the logger data and all should be fine. Cheers Patrick

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