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T O P I C    R E V I E W
matcho mick Posted - 11 Jan 2019 : 4:18:17 PM
mac park was resurfaced & widened,still grippy,(****e to blanket)totally new track,well it is closest to pits side , pine tree changed completely,lots faster entry /exit,kink in the next bits really quick,backside leading onto back straights heaps quicker too,good job done well mac park,worth the drive to experience the difference,masters mac in march,old farts in may,give it a go peoples,
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
matcho mick Posted - 21 Mar 2019 : 11:19:31 AM
um,missed the bit about still grippy Alan,resurfaced exactly the same as before!,only wider,worst track for shreding has to go to surfers,even bald tyres worked there lol
acotrel Posted - 21 Mar 2019 : 08:17:28 AM
I rode at Mac Park when it had the real non-skid surface. I loved it because I never had decent tyres, but I could ride properly at Mac Park - everywhere else, I had to be too careful. Several of my friends fell off there and ended up in hospital. One of them lost half of his left hand and he was left handed. Robbie Phillis crashed there and they simply chucked his shredded leathers in the bin.
acotrel Posted - 21 Mar 2019 : 08:09:31 AM
Lew, don't worry about what I do with my bike. I will always be faster than you.
acotrel Posted - 21 Mar 2019 : 08:06:49 AM
If you are ever involved with a motor race circuit, government grants are controlled by the local council. Mac Park is in a very different situation to Winton or even Broadford. Mac Park seems to have the full support of the local council, while other councils are just happy to collect the tourist dollar. As I understand it, the main reason that the dangerous non-skid surface at Mac Park was replaced with smooth-top was because somebody sued the local council. So whatever the arrangement is at Mac Park, the local council must be an active stakeholder.
lew Posted - 03 Mar 2019 : 11:43:00 AM
Acotrel, I'm not quite sure what to make of your post.Are you suggesting a council builds a race track to draw in the tourist dollar? Are you suggesting that farmers have access to the High Court for free(you state at ratepayers expense). I'm curious where you get your information from.
You have mentioned in previous posts that either you can't afford to ride on a track or they are too dangerous for you to ride on so obviously they won't benefit from your dollar. You really come across to me that you like to just make negative comments or make excuses why you can't/won't ride your bike.
acotrel Posted - 17 Feb 2019 : 08:10:07 AM
It is amazing how good things can become when a motorsports club has the local council on-side. Many councils do not realise that a race circuit is a major tourist attraction which brings money into their town. They simply rely on collecting rates from householders. In many country towns, the farmers have a gerrymander, so one vote in the bush is worth two in the town. If the townies object, the farmers defend their position in the High Court at ratepayers' expense.

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